
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Wake Up World, Jesus Is Coming Back!

It has been a long time since I wrote anything here. Life getting in the way is a sad excuse but it’s the only one I have. However, I woke up one day to the realization that this world has changed and not for the better. I feel the urgency to make it my priority to express the things God has laid on my heart. Changes sometimes come so gradually you barely notice. That’s how Satan works. He has used little changes over centuries. Some came gently in the form of traditions. These traditions were seemingly innocent little things from pagan traditions and ceremonies. Over time the meanings of these traditions and ceremonies were forgotten by most. Many of them focused on the children. Each generation passed them down to their children who never even realized they had accepted pagan traditions. As time passed no one paid attention. We were all Christians, right? Oh, there were the hidden things, the occult, witches. No one really paid attention. After all these people were on the fringe of society. The were not mainstream. They were crazy, right? Then in the 1960’s Satan came out of hiding and went mainstream right into the hippy movement. We saw an age of war protests, race protests, a time which promoted sex without marriage, abortion, and gay rights. The Church of Satan was an actual church now. In California of all places, and Satan's minions were very busy getting converts and causing havac. Fast forward to today. What was bad then is worse now. Only now, the world calls this normal and good. It has slowly gone from tolerance to acceptance. Now if you don’t accept their alternative life style and sin, what are the costs? They will take you to court for not using their choice of pronoun, when you don’t know how "they" want to be addressed because you have no clue what “they” are! This is just the tip of the iceberg. Our world has turned upside down, inside out, and absolutely gone crazy. But Satan better beware because Jesus is coming back!