
Friday, August 26, 2011

When Everything Goes Wrong, or (As Sliver Refined)

I call it the  “Why Me!“ syndrome.  Poor me, nothing ever goes right for me!  Why is it always me?  Why can’t it be someone else for a change?  WHY, WHY, WHY?
Yes, even when we are trying our best, when we have done nothing wrong, bad things happen.   You wake up and nothing goes right.  Maybe the clock didn’t go off, or your hot water heater quit working, you’re going to be late for work.  Yesterday the project you were working on hit a snag and will be over budget.   The doctor you have had for years decides to move and now you have to find a new one. 
I know this syndrome all too well.  Things didn’t go right this morning.  During my frustration I even kicked one of my shoes across the room.  These are the times when I am glad to be alone and no one sees me acting like that.  Ah, except God.  Yep, He saw me.  He saw my anger, my frustration, my emotional pain, and my heart, my reasoning or lack thereof, yes He saw everything. 
While I was getting ready the phone rang.  It was one of my daughters.  She was very perceptive.  “Something wrong?”   she said as she heard the stressed tone in my voice.  I briefly shared my feelings and she said to try to put on a happy face it would all be okay.
 Jennifer is a teacher and deals with the antics of small children.  I am sure I had probably been acting like one so I told her I would try.  I even told her that when her older sister was little we used to discipline her by sending her to her room and telling her she could only come out when she put on a happy face. 
It worked so well that even as an adult if her sister gets mad she will leave the room and the next time we see her, she acts like nothing ever happened. 
As God’s very imperfect child I sometimes feel these times of trial are meant more to agitate me or persecute me then to perfect me but deep inside I know they’re not.  God wants me to grow from it.  This year I have adopted the song  “This Is The Stuff” by Francesca Battistelli as my theme song. 
Anyone that has lost their keys, or has had to call their cell phone to find it can relate.  The pressures of life can take its toll if we let it.  Or we can put on a happy face, smile or even sing along knowing that He knows exactly what he is doing.  God is refining me.  Malachi 3:3: "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver."

Monday, August 22, 2011

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it Holy!

Growing up I remember the blue laws.  Some of you may not know what the blue laws were.  They were laws that reflected our religious standards.  They kept retailers from opening stores and even selling certain items on Sunday.  Your employer didn’t expect you to work on Sunday.  Sunday was a day of rest.  Other countries that have these laws are Israel in which Saturday is the day of rest.  Canada has The Lord’s Day Act and most Muslim countries have laws that set aside certain months or times of prayer that require stores to close. 

Slowly over the years these laws and our religious standards have gone by the wayside.  People are forgetting to honor the God who created them and the beautiful planet they inhabit.  People are forgetting that the day of rest is a gift.  It is for our physical and mental health. 

Instead we suffer burnout, physical fatigue, emotional stress, and become spiritually empty. 

“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”  Matthew 11:28

Yes, rest is a gift! Next time you think it is just another command to honor God, remember that he was really thinking about us. 
Thank you Lord for knowing what we need and when we need it.  Thank you for thinking about what is good for us as your creation and knowing that we need this rest to be able to be all you want us to be.  Thank you for setting the example by showing us that although you worked to create , you also rested to enjoy it.  May we always honor you by obeying your commands.