
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Have You Lost Something Lately?

We have all lost things.  I regularly lose my keys, my phone, and my channel changer just to name a few of those things.   I could probably make a career out of losing things. 

But, I was struck by a scripture I read this morning from Psalm 12:8 which says “The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men”.  Wow.  I had to just pause and think how far a society has to come when they would honor something God considers vile. 

I only have to turn on the TV or a movie to find that the world has lost it’s values and civility but has excepted brutality and hate as the norm.  We are exposed continually to outrageous public behavior, both immoral and violent, that every generation before us would be shocked by.  There are no longer any rules of decorum.  We as a society have lost are ability and right to have a code of rules to define what is good or bad behavior. 

Decorum is defined as breeding, civility, conduct,  convention, correctness, decency, dignity, etiquette, form, habits, order, orderliness, politeness, being proper, propriety, protocol, respectability.  Therefore the absence of decorum is bad behavior, bad manners, impoliteness, indecency, rudeness.

Yes, we have lost our decorum.  A word we rarely use anymore, that we no longer understand the meaning of.  How sad.  It is not only sad for us, but for generations to come. 
Lord, I pray today that we as Christians find our decorum.  We have lost it and we want it back.  I pray that the change it makes in us would radiate to a world that desperately needs rules of decorum.  I pray they find it.

Looking for help?  Recommended reading:  The Bible

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